Aquae Urbis Romae: the waters of the city of Rome

Print, Drawing, Map, and Photographic Collections -- Index


L. Bufalini, Roma (Rome, 1551), reprint, (Vatican, 1911).

R. Lanciani, Forma Urbis Romae (Milan, 1893-1901), courtesy Roderigo Abela

R. Lanciani, "Hydrography and chorography of ancient Rome" from The ruins and excavations of ancient Rome
(Boston and New York, 1897).

R. Lanciani, "Map of aqueducts" from The ruins and excavations of ancient Rome (Boston and New York, 1897).

R. Lanciani, "Map of Walls" from The ruins and excavations of ancient Rome (Boston and New York, 1897).

R. Lanciani, "Parks and gardens of ancient Rome" from The ruins and excavations of ancient Rome
(Boston and New York, 1897).

K. W. Rinne, A Map of the Ancient Bridges of Rome (2002).

K. W. Rinne, A Map of Flood Inscriptions for the 1598 Tiber River Flood (2006)

K. W. Rinne, A Map of "Le fontane di Roma di Giovanni Battista Falda" of 1675 (2001).

K. W. Rinne, A Map of the Rione of Rome according to the Nolli Plan of 1748 (2002).

K. W. Rinne, A Map of the Titular churches of Rome (2001).

S. Smith, The Tiber and its Tributaries (London: 1877).


G. B. Falda, Le Fontane di Roma Nelle Piazze, e Luoghi Publici Della Citta, con il Loro Prospetti,
cura da G.G. de Rossi (Rome, 1675), vol. 1, 33 plates. Courtesy of Fiske Kimball Library,
University of Virginia.

G. B. Falda, Li giardini di Roma : Cone le loro piante, alzate e vedvte in prospettiva disegnate ed intagliate. cura di Gio: Giacomo de Rossi (Rome, 1675)

G. Magni, Il barocco a Roma nell' architettura e nella scultura decorativa..., (Turin: 1911-13). Courtesy of Fiske Kimball Library,
University of Virginia.


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