
This project would not have been possible without the financial, intellectual and personal support of many agencies, institutions and individuals.

Funding for Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome has been provided by the following agencies:

     The National Endowment for the Humanities (2005-2007) -- Collaborative Research Grant to undertake the GIS mapping project.

     The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Trust (2001-2002) -- for continued work on the
     ancient Roman portion of this website during 2002.

     The Prince Charitable Trusts (2000) -- for research in Rome.

     The John Anson Kittredge Educational Trust (1999) -- to hire a part-time programming assistant.

     The Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology (1998-1999) -- to support research into
     renaissance and baroque hydraulic studies.

     The National Endowment for the Humanities (1997-1998) -- to complete the interactive prototype
     and topographic site model for this web site.

     The Fulbright Commission (1996-1997) -- to complete research and photography in Rome, Italy.

     The Getty Center for Arts and the Humanities (1996) Research Support Scholarship - to conduct
     research at the Getty Center.

     The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (1994-1995) -- to complete
     original base maps and drawings.

     The Kor-Dan Fellowship (1994) -- for travel to Italy.

Technical and other support has been provided by the following institutions:

     The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) at the University of Virginia
     (1997-1998) provided programming, graphics and other technical support, as well as office and computer
     facilities necessary to produce and publish this interactive edition.

     Massachussets Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning (1994-1995) provided
     computer access, technical support and other assistance to me while I was a Visiting Scholar.

     The American Academy in Rome provided computer support and a forum for discussion while living
     in Rome from 1996-1997 and during October 1994.

     University of Washington, Department of Architecture (1996) provided computer and library access
     while I was a Visiting Scholar.

     Scores of individuals have offered assistance to this project. I extend my personal thanks to all of you, in
     particular I would like to thank the following individuals who have contributed directly to the production
     this interactive project and have contributed suggestions, discussion and intellectual support:

     The Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology: the entire staff of the Dibner Institute;
     Jed Buchwald, Evelyn Simha, Trudy Kontoff, Rita Dempsey and Carla Crisfield; and Fellows Noah Ephron,
     David McGee, and James Voekel.

     The University of Virginia: between 1997 and 2004 the staff of the Institute for Advanced Technology in the
     Humanities, provided extensive assistance to the project. I would like to thank John Unsworth, Chris Jessee,
     Daniel Pitti, Nathan Piazza, Sue Munson, David Cosca, Robert Bingler, Kirk Hastings, and Joy Shifflette
     of IATH and Jack Robertson of the School of Architecture, all of whom assisted me during those years.
     More recently, staff members Bernie Frischer, Worthy Martin and Doug Ross, and graduate students
     Mike Waters and Ed Triplett have worked to develop our new GIS mapping, inventory and on-line journal.

     Massachusetts Insitute of Technology: the staff of the Office of the Dean of the School of
     Architecture, especially Dean William Mitchell and Regina Schoonover, Prof. Attilio Petruciolli and
     graduate student Paul Wang.

     The Fulbright Commission in Italy: the entire staff, especially Luigi Filadoro and Lawrence Grey.

     Azienda Comunale Energia ed Ambiente (ACEA), Rome: Dott. Ing. Girolamo Bardi, Dott. Ing. Emelio Del Re,
     Dott. Ing. Sandro Celici, and Dottoresa Gabriela Ippolitoni .

     Ufficio Speciale Centro Storio: Dott. Eugenio Baldari.

     Ufficio Monumentale Mediovale e Moderni: Dottoresa Luisa Cardilli.

     The American Academy in Rome: the entire staff, especially Prof. Caroline Bruzelius, Pina Pasquantonio,
     Christina Pugliese, and Norman Roberson, and the following fellows and residents: Prof. Mirka Benes,
     Prof. Jeffrey Collins, Dawn Dedeaux, Sharon Horvath, Prof. William Wallace, Prof. Nichole Weidemann
     and Prof. JamesWescoat, Jr.

     The University of Arkansas: the School of Architecture, particularly Dean Dan Bennett, Prof. Jeffrey Shannon,
     and students Kelly Henry and Jorge Arango.

     The University of Washington: the College of Arhitecture and Planning, particularly Prof. Meredith Clausen and
     Prof. Katrina Deines.

     Johnson Fain Partners, Architects and Planners, Los Angeles: William Hart Fain, Jr., Scott
     Johnson, Robert Shaeffer, Mark Gershen, Juan Begazo, Steve Levine, Tom Nohr and Kersu Dalal.

     Daniel Garness, Elaine K. S. Jones, and Katherine Spitz have generously shared their ideas, comments,
     time, and support since the inception of this project, as have the following individuals: Joseph Aronson,
     Arthur Beale, Prof. Gary Brown, Pamela Burton, Prof. Dora Crouch, Prof. Harry Evans, Sandra Forrest,
     Korje Guttormsen, Ann Hartmere, Teresa Hensick, Victoria Blyth Hill, Charles Christopher Hill,
     Jane Hendricks, M.J. Levine, Prof. Donlyn Lyndon, Douglas McNutt, Amy Olsson, Leif Olsson, Prof. John Pinto
     Hazel Sullivan, Willfred Sullivan, Prof. Rabun Taylor, Prof. Stephen Tobriner, and Donna Vaccarino.


     Aquae Urbis Romae was conceived and developed in its entirety by the author with technical
     assistance as noted in the acknowledgments. Except where individually noted all maps, texts, drawings
     photographs are the work of the author, who is completely responsible for any errors, omissions
     mistakes. Every effort has been made to provide accurate information, but a project of this scope
     will necessarily have some unintentional mistakes and oversights. Any questions, comments, criticism
     suggestions are welcome and should be directed by email to

     If you are interested in contributing an article on the water history of Rome to the Aquae Urbis Romae
     electronic journal, or in bringing new material to the attention of the author, please do so by email to the author.


     Although far from completion, Aquae Urbis Romae was released on the World Wide Web in January
     1999. Not unlike a major building project, the infrastructure has been completed first. The foundations
     have been laid, and the structural framework erected on which the entire project rests, but the individual
     elements will be added over time. Aquae Urbis Romae will be actively under construction for many years
     to come and will be continuously supplemented with new maps, texts, drawings and archival material.

     Please bookmark this site and check back frequently for new material.

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