Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome

A map of documented inscriptions that commemorate the 1598 flood of the Tiber River in Rome, Katherine W. Rinne, 2006.

Click here to see images of some of these inscriptions.

25 December 1598: 19.56 meters above sea level

1. Piazza del Popolo

2. Via Laurina

3. Via del Corso *

4. Santo Spirito

5 - 7. Castel Sant'Angelo

8 - 9. The Church of S Giovanni dei Fiorentini * *

10. Via del Panico *

11. Palazzo Orsini *

12 - 13. Palazzo Crescenzi

14. Palazzo Pasquino (Orsini) *

15. Dogana *

16. The Church of S Maria sopra Minerva

17. Palazzo Vidoni

18. Via Florida *

19. Ponte Sisto *

20. Via dei Calderari

21. Chiesa di S Bartolomeo al Isola *

* = no longer extant

Bibliographies for each of these markers will be forthcoming.

Aquae Urbis Romae: the Waters of the City of Rome

Copyright, Katherine W. Rinne, 2006