Technical Specifications


Maps drawn in Canvas versions 3.5 and 5.
Files saved in Colada and JPEG formats.
Colada creates a JAVA applet from a Canvas document.
See for more information.

Build a Map

32-bit Targa images are composited using a CGI script written in Perl and the Unix image utility
Combine. Combine is part of the ImageMagick suite of tools. See
cristy/ImageMagick.html for more information.


Under Construction.

The feature inventory was first created in Excel and converted to SGML using Author Editor. The
DTD ( data type definition) was created in Adept Edit. The SGML was then converted to a Dyna-
text book that is served using DynaWeb. The stylesheets were created using INSO tools.


The topography was originaly drawn in Canvas and then brought into FormZ as an Illustrator
Document. Several 3-D models were created in FormZ from the 2-D drawing. From FormZ the
model was exported to CosmoWorlds as a DXF file and to Electric Image as a FACT file. A variety
of VRML models were exported from Cosmo Worlds. In Electric Image the model was rendered
and saved as Quicktime movies and JPEG image files. The QuickTime movies were further processed
in Premiere and AfterEffects. The QuickTime VR movies were further processed in QuickTime VR
Authoring Studio. The texture maps for the Electric Image model were created in Canvas and Photo-
shop. See the following links for more information:

In-House Documentation

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